Annual Report Animation

Motivator Gif

An animation for Luton Community Housing’s Annual report to show the good work they have done in their area and the range of organisations and shareholders they have worked with.

Storyboards and concepts.

A few hand-drawn characters with simple animation were needed for the production; a range to depict staff training, gardening and liaison with local police.

The Gardener
Wagging finger Polis
Background office character

Health and Safety Animation

The second project for Luton Community Housing For this one, the brief was to design an animation for internal training to show new staff.

Character development and Preproduction.

Based on 2D characters featured in some of the organisations’ existing branding, the whole cast of characters from office workers to maintenance staff was modeled, textured and rigged in 3D. (Blender)

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

Concept image; "How not to change a lightbulb"

Character Sheet

Content_3_TINTE Animation_Development

Trailer to promote the release of a mysterious new German novel; “Tinte Blut.” Specific shot direction but with loads of scope for visual development, this project was

The Character, ‘cos of time pressures of the project, was a little fudged for the actual animation. Not much is revealed and is kept hidden, mainly due to some wonky topology. I hand animated a couple of scenes to inject a bit of character interest in there. I’ve revisited the character a few times since as there’s something about the gangly-ness of the guy that I really like. Just got to get him moving right.

Rijksmuseum app animations.

Contracted by Manchester based Centrescreen Productions to produce a series of animations for a guided tour app for the reopening of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.

Using items and high resolution scans of art work, including access to Rembrant sketches for one of his most famous works; Der Staalmeesters, this series of animations was created as part of an interactive tour guide app for visitors to the refurbished Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.

Click for a more detailed look at each of the animations.

“Noir” animation

“NOIR” Animation (waiting for audio) from Antmerker on Vimeo.

 This is the first of three animations produced for musician Sam Biggs ( to showcase his musical talents. The project involves producing genre based animations, this one Noir (obviously).

Lots of fun; shadows, gangsters, femme fatales and brutal shootings.

Backgrounds for the animation are all modelled in 3D and the characters are all hand-drawn.

Check here and here for some making-of/work-in-progress on the blog.