Business doodles from Antmerker on Vimeo.
Three of six hand-drawn-like animations produced for inserts into a corporate video illustrating the growth of a business.
Here are two explainers produced for LessUK, an organisation that provides help and advice to help people save energy in their homes, save money on energy bills and making homes more energy efficient.
Visit the LessUK website here: http://lessuk.org/
Kloo Explainer videos.
Back&Beyond is a new publication that celebrates and promotes the arts, culture and heritage in Lancaster, Morecambe and beyond. It combines fiction and non-fiction writing together with profiles of local artists, projects and organisations.
Back&Beyond aims to make people more aware of the enormous wealth of creativity, cultural capital and heritage in the area, to bring new and established work to light, and to help local artists and practitioners to promote their craft and to reach a wider audience.
I was on the editorial team, along with Si Hawksworth, Moll Baxter and Phil McMillan.
Visit the Back&Beyond website for more information and to download a PDF copy.
Here are some of the illustrations I did for issue 1.
Animated title sequence for Liam Treacy’s short film “Date Night.”
For more details on Liam’s film, see the Tumblr site here.
Rust 3D are a company based in Manchester who specialise in high quality CGI’s and animations for the building and construction sector. They are currently working on a large scale development called Liverpool Waters which, when completed, will see a 60 hectare area of historic dockland transformed to create a world-class, high-quality, mixed use waterfront quarter in central Liverpool.
I produced 30 very detailed storyboards for Rust 3D, for their clients approval, of an animated walk-through of the development. The storyboards needed to be architecturally accurate, featuring dozens of the proposed structures and also populated by characters and figures to breathe life into the scenes. Here are just 6 of the 30 frames produced.
Interesting references:
Rust 3D website: http://www.3d.rustdesign.co.uk/content/home.php
Keep track of the Liverpool Waters development here: http://www.liverpoolwaters.co.uk/content/home.php
Concentration. Effort. Focus. One day, Myiagi-San. One day. It’s just a matter of time…..
An animated short by Ant Mercer.
Contains one bad word – repeated a few times
Sound effects from Freesound.
Drawn, animated, acted, scored etc. by Ant Mercer.
Have a look at merkerwork.blogspot.com for a (sort of) making of blog post.