“Minds Eye” – 48 Hour film competition, Sci-fi London.

“Minds Eye” – 48 Hour film competition, Sci-fi London.

A collaboration with the Lancaster Film-makers Co-op for The Sci-Fi London 48hour Film challenge. An  insane hurricane of creativity which involves writing, filming and editing a film over the course of a weekend.  The rules of the 48 hour sci-fi film making challenge are that your finished film has to contain three elements which are given to you on the Saturday morning. Sci-fi London gives you a title, a line of dialogue and a prop which you must work in to your film.  We were participating by text, and at precisely 11.11am on Saturday morning, we received our instructions.

Title: Minds Eye
Dialogue: “Those frightened eyes staring at us, and then we saw them too”
Prop: Three watches showing the same time.

..and so began in intense and brilliant couple of days.

Kudos to all involved, Terry, Louise, Ray, Mark, Adam, Bryan and Rosie (and look at me pretending in that film – I’m terrifyingly in character!) and everyone who supported us. I think we did a cracking job, and it was great fun, and in fact the subsequent couple of days delirium I went through was good fun as well.

It’s not a challenge for the feint hearted and I wonder how many teams around the country were unable to complete.



After the sad news of Harvey Pekars death last week, I did a drawing for Adam Cadwell’s Draw Harvey group on Flicker. You can see the rest here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1f440756@N24/?added=1

I tried to do something a little different, I presumed that there was going to be a fair few sketches and drawings done from photos of Harvey and as I was rootling around online looking for some reference, someone posted a link to one of his Letterman appearances. Look it up on YouTube, ‘cos it makes for such awkward, uncomfortable viewing, at several points it could go either way into amiable chatter or vicious onscreen mugging. Anyway, I waited for one of those moments when Harvey looked like he was going to chew Letterman’s nose off and bang!: quick screen grab, and off drawing I went.

I had such fun doing the Nosferatu drawing last week that I did this Harvey one using the same process, and I enjoyed that so much, I’m going to be doing something else in the same way soon.